About Us

Product Simply is a platform to learn interview skills that let us grow as product managers. We believe that developing great interview skills is the same as building better professional skills.

Our goal is to help candidates develop the skills they need to get the job and thrive in it.

MJ, Founder of Product Simply

MJ is a product manager and coach that brings over 15 years of experience from startups and world-class companies. His extensive background has given him a deep understanding of the diverse challenges product managers face in their careers.

While working at Meta, MJ found himself juggling his role and interviews for DoorDash, TikTok and Google. To prepare, MJ spent dozens of hours in mock interviews from people all over the world. During these sessions candidates found MJ's answers unique but the feedback he gave was especially helpful. After being encouraged by several candidates, he pursued interview coaching, and joining IGotAnOffer as a coach.

Since then, MJ has conducted hundreds of hours of coaching with a 5-star rating on IGotAnOffer. He has helped candidates land jobs at elite companies such as Meta, Google, OpenAI, Sofi, TikTok and DoorDash as well as dozens of tech startups. Above all, MJ has distinguished himself as a coach who can tear down the complexity that has been built around tech interviews and identify the fundamental concepts that drive superior performance.

His motto is Run your show, which means: make your best argument, and only follow expert advice if you've made it your own.